[ORIGINAL SERIES] Why?: > They're the original series. > Released on the home consoles, > all available on portables! > PjDX made this series die out, > due to its poor module & accessory > unlocking system and its minimal > amount of songs. Its poor success > made SEGA never port its modules > and songs to AFT. The modding community > has taken it upon themselves to > port these songs. Games: > 1st F > 2nd F2nd > extend X [ARCADE SERIES] Why?: > They're both arcade games. > Extremely profitable because > SEGA takes a bit of the profit > from each 100JPY spent on a credit. > AFT is technically Arcade, but it > has a different title, so it's a > different game here. Games: > Arcade AFT [FINALE SERIES] Why?: > This series basically sealed > the fate of the franchise. > The poor sales made SEGA focus on > Project Sekai instead. I would have > included PjDX in this list, but it > is not based off of AFT, so it belongs > in the original series instead. Games: > FT/DX MM > MM+